- Details
JooCart,jCart is released for OpenCart with new features and previous bug fixes.
New Features:
JooCart users and customers assignment to Joomla user group feature during registration.
Code improvement.
Latest opencart inside
Bug Fixed since previous version:
1. Minor jQuery and bootstrap conflict issue
2. Mootools conflict issue
3. Minor paypal express issue
4. Theme Editor issue
5. Sagepay payment gateway isue
6. Breadcrumb issue
7. Customer delete issue
8. User Login issue
9. SEO URL Issue
10. Minor backend css issue
11. Filter Module issue
12. Admin logged in frontend issue
13. Pa ywith amazon,Login with paypal module etc issue.
14. Frontend Admin panel issue
15. Language texts and some other minor issues
16. Joomla shopping cart module issue
17. Paging issue
18. Free checkout payment method issue
19. Customer approval issue
20. Minor stylesheet issue
21. UPS shipping module issue
22. Manufacturer seo url issue
23. Paypal express production mode issue
24. User logout issue
- Details
JooCart,jCart is released for OpenCart with new features and previous bug fixes.
New Features:
OpenCart inside
Bug Fixed since previous version:
1. Checkout issue
2. Joomla module issue
3. Footer hide issue
4. Joomla lanaguage integration issue
5. Mootools conflict issue
6. Joomla plugin directory issue
7. Additional alert email issue
8. Custom color change issue from JooCart Options
9. Modal popup issue
10.Register issue in checkout page
11.Customer delete issue
12.Some minor css issue
13.Popup modal issue
14.Maintanance mode issue
15.SEO URL improvement
16.Language text missing issue
17.template overrride issue
18.Joomla frontend admin issue
19.CSS issue with joomla shopping cart module
20.Responsive checkout issue
21.OpenBay issue
22.Connect with remote database issue
23. Session issue
24. SEO Url Issue
25. OpenBay image display issue
26. Code improvement
27. Mulit-language refresh issue when item is removed from cart
28. SEO Url Issue
29. Database connection issue
30. Category selection issue from Joomla menus
31. Authorize.net sim payment gateway issue
32. Important security issue
33. SEO URL issue
34. Authorize.net SIM payment gateway issue
35. Basic captcha issue
36. Admin users creation issue with different database
37. Filemanager scroll issue for some sites
38. Support for Facebook Integration(Language change Issue in facebook shop)
And bug fixes from OpenCart Team https://github.com/opencart/opencart/blob/master/changelog.md
- Details
JooCart,jCart is released for OpenCart with new features and previous bug fixes.
New Features:
OpenCart inside
Bug Fixes :
Namespace issue with session/db file
Price format issue in JooCart Content Plugin
JooCart Plugins Issues
SSL Issue
Database Connection issue with some server
Little bit menu issue in frontend
Important Joomla Login Integration issue
Little bit CSS Issues with popup modal and other pages
Joomla admin menu javascript issue
CSS issues with third party extensions
Conflict issue with JooCart content plugin and JooCart ocmod tool/image cache file
Joomla language integration issue
Footer Hide issue
And bug fixes from OpenCart Team https://github.com/opencart/opencart/blob/master/changelog.md
- Details
JooCart,jCart is released for OpenCart with new features and previous bug fixes.
New Features:
Improved Code
Faster Loading
More compatible with Joomla Templates
OpenCart inside
Bug Fixes :
compatible issue with mootools-more.js files
CSS issues with some joomla modules
And bug fixes from OpenCart Team https://github.com/opencart/opencart/blob/master/changelog.md
- Details
JooCart,jCart is released for OpenCart with new features and previous bug fixes.
New Features:
Improved Code
OpenCart inside
Bug Fixes included in JooCart after JooCart
Link in registration success page's message issue
Slideshow blank space at the bottom issue
Top menu issue for mobile users
Joomla Header and Footer module issue
Define variable warning issue
Little bit css issue
Joomla menu item with params warning issue
Issue with seo url for modal box
ocmod and vqmod confliction issue
Automatic extension uninstall issue if you connect it with existing opencart site
Catptcha Issue
function exists error with Joomla >=3.4
Remove item from cart not refreshing in cart and checkout page issue
Add to cart success message in product page issue
Small jQuery issue
Sending mail issue in newsletter with tinymce issue
CSS Issue
Image upload issue in admin panel
Multi Language issue when SEO URL enabled in Joomla
Database issue when joomla database hostname contains port number
Order edit issue from Frontend admin panel
Featured joomla module issue
And bug fixes from OpenCart Team https://github.com/opencart/opencart/blob/master/changelog.md